
Please understand that all of the following prices are estimates.

Assembling brand new kits, cleaning mold lines, posing, pinning, and basing.
Resin or extremely detailed/complex kits, or complex basing will require further negotiations.

Regular Infantry models (Basic Infantry/Marines/Guard/Eldar/Etc) - $2-4/ea
Monstrous/Large Infantry/Calvary/Bikes (Ogres/Terminator-sized models) - $4-8/ea
Monstrous Creatures/Walkers (Dreadnoughts/Kans/Carnifexes) - $6-12/ea
Small/Basic Vehicles (Land Speeders/Dark Eldar Venoms/Chariots)- $6-15/ea
Medium-Sized Vehicles/Monsters (Predator Tanks/Dark Eldar Raiders/Tyranid Trygons) - $8-15/ea
Large-Sized Vehicles/Monsters (Land Raiders/Ogre Stonehorns/Larger Models) $12-TBD/ea

Magnetization of infantry gear, weaponry, vehicle weapon options, etc.
Overall price will be determined by how many magnets will be used.
  Example: A character with the ability to change out his weapons for 4 different sets of wargear, or the ability to change on-the-fly between all three patterns of Land Raiders with one model kit. 
Remember, the more options, the more there is to paint if you want the model painted by me!

The following prices are for a single "pair" of magnets.
 Infantry - $2/ea
Walker/Creatures - $3/ea
Vehicle Sponsons - $4/ea