Monday, March 28, 2011

Wargames Escalation League Begins

I felt it appropriate to start this weblog with the beginnings of a small local 40k event, as well as needed a placeholder post to start with. So, here goes!

At my LGS, one of our usuals is running a casual league for everyone to have fun with: it starts at 500 points and the points increase by 250 every week. It should be an interesting and enjoyable way to build up a balanced all-comers list against a myriad of opponents.

As for the army I'm fielding, I am currently in the building/planning/preliminary painting stage of my second army; Imperial Guard, Elysian Drop Troops. For those who don't know, it's a Forgeworld/Imperial Armour army list, and aims to be a fun, non-competitive army based on my love for paratroopers.

Stay tuned for pictures of finished models, conversions, and the build process as I amass little resin men in the pursuit of cleansing the galaxy of heretics, aliens, and daemons!

From the skies!