Friday, June 15, 2012

The following photos have been added to the gallery, just to show what's been worked on during my downtime!

Secret Weapon Miniatures

Just a quick plug for Justin @ Secret Weapon Miniatures.  I get all of my scenic resin bases from SWM and have had nothing but great quality customer service, quick shipping, and outstanding products from them.

I plan on ordering weathering pigments from them in the near future as they are some of the best out there for what we do.

Check them out, you won't be disappointed!

Time Flies...

...When you're slammed at work!

Unfortunately I haven't found as much time for the hobby as I'd like.  Hoping to get things started back up again by August.

Check back soon!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Still Not Dead

Grand Marshal Helbrecht (Swapped helm and Custom Chapter Colors)

Been terribly busy with my day job, and I have a lot of work on my plate.  Trying to finish up things as they hit the queue.  The Caestus Ram will be finished this weekend (just need minor touchups and need to create a scenic base.)

Then it's on to finishing a Marneus Calgar, a Magnetized Hexlord Superheavy, and an Ashmantle Dreadnought.

...And working on 2000 points of mechanized Dark Eldar.  :D