Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Quick Update -- AWOL

Just a quick update to keep everyone informed that I'm alive.  I have been very busy with work, etc, lately and haven't had much time to update.

Here's what's currently on the table and the order in which I will be working on them:

1) BT Marshal Helbrecht
2) BT Caestus Assault Ram
3) Marneus Calgar
4) Magnetizing a Hexlord (Six Variants of Shadowsword Kit)
5) Salamander Bray'yarth Ashmantle

In-between, I will be working on 2500 points of Dark Eldar for the upcoming ATC tournament in July. 

Lots on my plate!

Real update soon, I promise!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Titan-Forge Ogre Pirates Assembled

Just wanted to post a quick rave review of the Titan Forge kits that I ordered from the Polish model sculptor. (

I haven't touched on this project here before now, but my first-ever WFB army is 2500 points of Ogre Kingdoms, with an overall pirate/swashbuckler theme that makes me chuckle every time I theorize the look of a unit.  So, seeing these models I soon ordered the Mega Deal for 99 Euros (9 models AND scenic bases, plus a t-shirt) and must say that I am thoroughly impressed with the craftmanship and quality of the model kits contained within.  I thought these guys would serve as perfect models for the Maneaters in my list, and the Kaptin will be either my Bruiser or Tyrant depending on who I choose to run.

Here's a quick break-down:
Price/Value: 5 out of 5 skulls
Hard to beat the pricing for these models. 99 Euros for 9 detailed resin models, 9 scenic resin bases, and a t-shirt.  Keep in mind these are RESIN. OGRES. Big dudes = big models = more resin.  The whole sha-bang came out to roughly $130 dollars, which is about $14.50 USD per model. That's quite a bargain when considering using them as OK Maneaters, which are Finecast and run around $24.75 a pop (questionable cast quality and no scenic bases)!

Delivery Time/Packaging: 4.5 out of 5 skulls
The package took about a full month to arrive from the date of purchase.  While not as fast as other model companies/websites, it's definitely not the slowest.  Points were scored by the quick response of the e-mail I sent to their customer service asking about their shipment time, etc. All unassembled models were packed in baggies, wrapped in bubble wrap, and packed in cardboard boxes with a photo of the model on the front and an illustration on the back. 

Sculpt/Assembly:  4.5 out of 5 skulls

When comparing to Forge World kits, Titan-Forge's kits have most of the cutting and clean-up work done for you.  Pieces required minimal de-flashing or cleanup.  I found this fact quite impressive.  Limbs and major accessories were molded so that they fit together with pegs and slots, so there was no guesswork on how they were assembled.  The models go together in just a few minutes out of the box.  They don't necessarily require pinning but it doesn't hurt; especially to their bases.

The overall look of these models when assembled and standing on their scenic bases is fantastic. The only problem I had was fitting some of the regular pirates into formation together as their arms were posed out to their sides and, being my first fantasy army (used to the freedom of position 40k gives you when placing models on the tabletop) I didn't think ahead and assemble the models next to one another so that they fit in formation.  This will take a little bit of finagling on my part to correct. Lesson learned.  :)

Compared to the GW Ogre Kingdoms models, the 'Crewmen' are just a touch larger than their OK counterparts, the 'Heroes' in the Titan-Forge pack are much bulkier, and the Kaptin Gorehook is bloody gargantuan; but I don't care about that because it makes for an imposing hero ;) . The pirate crewmen came with many extra accessories for hanging on belts; daggers, bottles of rum, pistols, scabbards, etc, and came with 6+ head options for 3 models.  The only issue I had with a few of the models is that up close on the skin areas you can see some folds and creases where sculpting putty was shaped, so the craftsmanship is not 100% perfect.  No defects, no warping.  Impressive to say the least.

Overall: 4.66 out of 5 skulls

I will definitely be looking at Titan Forge from time to time for their upcoming releases.  These guys are one to keep an eye on for sure.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Workbench Update: Black Hearts and Black Templars

Just a very quick update on what's on my table... pardon the sloppiness of the pictures but I'm just throwing these up to show that I'm still alive and kicking.

Just started a 31-model batch of Dark Eldar (Kabal of the Black Heart) tonight, which I will be trying to do 1-2 colors for the entire batch each night.

The below are two Black Templar (Custom Chapter) models I'm working on for commission; A minor converted Helbrecht and a Caestus Assault Ram.  Both are at about 80% completion.  Minor touchups here and there, and basing.  The ram was particularly fun to work on, as I was trying to figure out how to weather black armor plates without overdoing it.  I'm pretty satisfied with the results thus far.

Back to it tomorrow!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Large Model This Way Comes

Quick update! A shot of this gargantuan beast before I make it look like it has had a few atmospheric entries. ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Midweek Update - On the Table

Currently three models on the workbench - two Black Templar commissions (Helbrecht and Caestus Assault Ram) and the spoils from the tournament last week. Just finished the red basecoat on the Contemptor tonight, and will be highlighting and weathering it as I take breaks from the Templars. 

Stay tuned for updates!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Female Commissar Commission and Tournament Update

This one has been finished for a while; this model is the "Kapitan Ivanka Kurganova (28mm)" from Raging Heroes, and fits well within an Imperial Guard army looking for something a little different than grumpy ol' manly commissars.

Must say, it was fun painting a non-GW model for once. ;)  

A local invitational tournament was held at the LGS, where I pitted my Blood Angels with an Ultramarines player against five other teams.  Three matches were played, and an abridged battle report follows:

Our list: (Limited Shared Force Org.)
Kor'sarro Khan (Counts as ;) )

Ironclad Dreadnought, Drop Pod
Dreadnought - TL Lascannon

Scout Squad x5 - Telion/Sniper Rifles/Missile Launcher
Scout Squad x10 - Combat Blades, Power Fist
Death Company x11 - Power Fist

Fast Attack
Baal Predator - Heavy Bolters, TL Assault Cannon
Baal Predator - Heavy Bolters, TL Assault Cannon

Heavy Support
Storm Raven - Extra Armor

Match 1 (Vs Two Space Wolves), Primary: Capture the most Objectives
We turtled up in one corner, had them come to us; we wiped out their Thunderwolf Calvary unit without it getting a single charge/swing on us.  We ended up tying because both teams denied each other the primary, secondary, and tertiary goals.

Match 2 (Vs Tau, Tyranids), Primary: Kill the most expensive HQ
Mephiston stayed in Reserve as long as possible. (Teehee).  Storm Raven and Baals pushed up to assault their flank (made up of Genestealers and Sniper Drone Squads), while Genestealers and Raveners attempted to push into our front lines.  Vindicators and Baals made short work of gribbly nids.  Death Co. valiantly pushed into the flank, but were cut down to two troopers by withering fire from drones and crisis suits.  These two marines continued to wreak havoc when supported by outflanking Ultramarine scouts and Khan.  The enemy was slaughtered down to a single Hammerhead.

Match 3 (Vs Tau, Chaos Daemons), Primary: Send one of your units off of the opponent's deployment edge.
This mission played out in our favor, with the deployment zone being nearly half the board, and the mission goals.  The Storm Raven nuked a Broadside squad who was in the open with an alpha strike of Bloodstrike missiles.  Devilfish and Fire Warriors were cut down with assault cannons and meltaguns.  Daemons appeared piecemeal, and were cut down by the Baals and the Ironclad.  Both sides were able to achieve the Primary goal, but the enemy team was tabled by essentially the top of turn 3.  The game continued to turn 5 because the last daemon unit rolled poorly on its reserve rolls.  Oof.

* My teammate and I pulled out with First Place, and won a pair of Contemptor Dreadnoughts and choice of arms.
* The Space Wolves team placed second.
* The Tau / Daemons placed third.
* I somehow pulled out First Place in painting score, and won a full set of Forge World weathering powders.  Kick ass!

Overall, that was the most fun I've had in a tournament setting.  I look forward to doing it again.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

List Permanence - Blood Angels Edition

During my wargaming exploits, I have had a hard time nailing down an army list that I like and have an even harder time sticking with a single list for more than a few games.  I have the tendency to show up at a game store and have forgotten my list or specific models are at home on the painting desk, or I'm just feeling frisky so I feel the need to throw my previous list out the window and come up with a new one on the fly with minimal thought involved.

Today, I've started the idea of working on ONE list at a certain points value, playing it for no less than 10 games, take notes while playing, and then edit it with optimizations.  So here goes; the following is a 2500 point Blood Angel list with combinations of what I've enjoyed running in the past, culminating in a hybrid 'Jumper/Mechanized' attack force, with enough melta and firepower ruin someone's day when their tanks and infantry have been reduced to molten slag.

Bake Assault Marines at 400 deg F for 35 minutes, or until Black and Ragey on the inside.

Hybrid Blood Angels - 2500 Pts

Mephiston, Lord of Death - 250 Pts
Librarian, Shield of Sanguinius, Unleash Rage - 100 Pts
Honour Guard, Meltaguns x4, Jump Packs - 205 Pts

Sanguinary Priest- 50 pts
Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack -75 pts

Assault Squad x10, Meltagun x2, Thunder Hammer, Land Raider Redeemer w/ Multimelta, Extra Armour - 465 Pts
Assault Squad x5, Meltagun, Infernus Pistol, LC/TLPG Razorback - 165 Pts
Assault Squad x5, Meltagun, Infernus Pistol, LC/TLPG Razorback - 165 Pts
Assault Squad x10, Jump Packs, Meltagun x2, Powerfist - 235 Pts
Assault Squad x10, Jump Packs, Meltagun x2, Powerfist - 235 Pts

Fast Attack:
Baal Predator, Heavy Bolters - 145 pts
Baal Predator, Heavy Bolters - 145 pts  

Heavy Support:
Devastator Squad x5, Missile Launcher x4 - 130 pts
Devastator Squad x5, Missile Launcher x4 - 130 pts

Models: (65; 34 foot, 26 jumpers, 5 tanks)
Kill Points: 16

The idea is that I will have a mobile armoured force to spearhead up the middle with a Librarian riding with the full assault squad and priest, giving the tanks their lovely 5+ cover bubble, and when the squad deploys he can give them Preferred Enemy.  (Previously was going to use a chaplain here, who is more resilient, but that would leave my tanks totally exposed to enemy fire without the shield.  This will probably be one of the tweaks I look at after playtesting.)

The Dakka Preds will be there for anti-horde support, and generally put out enough hurt to scare light vehicles and MCs.  The Devastators are also there for anti-horde, and anti-vehicle.  Mephiston is self-explanatory.  The Jumpers will either advance with the armoured force or deep-strike for mayhem, depending on the mission.  The razorbacks will support the advance of the Redeemer and claim objectives if they survive near the end-game.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Business Cards / On The Table

Today I designed and placed the order for my first set of business cards for Twin Linked Paints -- thus, in my mind, bringing myself one step closer to getting more commissions. 

Here is the card, with my phone number removed for security reasons. ;)

On the table, I have a handful of my Blood Angels Death Company and a Chaplain to finish for an upcoming local tournament, and after that I will start on a Caestus Assault Ram and Black Templars Helbrecht for a local commission.  Looking forward to getting started on the Ram, being such a large, detailed model.  Lots of opportunity to practice scorching and weathering.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rebirth and Redesign

After 6-7 months of no updates, I've decided to restart my blog and include my painting commission exploits as well as update more often with army lists, my own personal army progress, and battle reports.

So, here is peek at my upcoming commission service logo:

Unfortunately, the next three months are going to be very busy (my day job), but stay tuned!  I will have many updates on the way.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Escalation League - 750 Point Battle Report

Interesting match this time, two drastically different guard armies with very different styles of play.

Alex (Rooster)
Imperial Guard Infantry Gunline
Imperial Guard Elysian Drop Troops

Basic Lists
-Alex's List
Infantry Platoon w/ 5 Infantry Squads grouped into two large blobs
6+ Autocannons
Plasma Veterans in a Chimera

-My List
Deepstriking Infantry Platoon, (PCS, 2 Infantry Squads w/ Demo Charges/Plasma,  Plas/Demo SW Team, and two Drop Sentinels)
Tauros Venator with Twin Lascannons
Stormtroopers with Meltaguns

In a confusing battle, both sides have managed to capture the other sides' leader, and must try to liberate their own leader from the enemy in a desperate, grim version of the game Capture the Flag.

Battle Report

After the marginal success against the Traitor Marines, the 228th Elysians garrisoned on Grassy Planet 573a were ordered to recon the meager terrain for any other signs of traitorous activity or intent, and quash it before it could snowball into a larger threat.  Another small, elite patrol was organized, including a squad of the Battalion's veteran storm troopers.  The Lord General was well aware that their expertise in forward observance and stealth would deem them best scouting ahead of the main force, as the Valkyries were circling far overhead, waiting for an opportunity to drop their human payload upon the heads of any traitors turned up in the wilderness.

The Stormtroopers' first assignment was to investigate reports that the GP573a PDF had lost contact with a Heavy Weapons detachment not far from where the Traitor Marines had first been encountered.  A Tauros Venator Fast Attack Vehicle was dispatched with the Troopers on their scouting mission, as it had the long-range vox-equipment necessary to radio back to the firebase for reinforcements. 

Thunderbolt flyovers revealed a small concentration of unidentified troops amassing in a ruined township, with a derelict Administratum building as well as an old Skyshield landing pad that had obviously seen better days.  Command voxed the storm troopers with their orders to recon the area as the Venator moved to circumvent the village in an attempt to outflank. 

Peering over a ridge from the flanks of the infantry's position, the stormtroopers were able to confirm that these were in fact the missing Heavy Troopers, and they were indeed tainted by the Traitorous forces encountered earlier.  The formerly grey armor of the infantry was marred with crimson, most likely affiliating them with the Legion of Traitor Astartes that were spearheading the attack on the colony; Word Bearers.  As if this wasn't startling enough, they had a large amount of firepower and were organized in a defensible position.  They were not aware of the Elysians' presence, so the element of surprise was on the loyalists' side for now.

The stormtroopers sprinted from cover and unleashed a torrent of fire upon the nearest battery of Autocannon gunners, who looked like they had nothing better to do than smoke lho-sticks and tear pages from their Uplifting Primers.  They fell like wheat before an eviscerator, smoking craters in chests and heads missing from their shoulders.  A few thrown krak grenades made sure that the weapons were of no use to the many enemy soldiers suddenly spurred into action.  As las-fire lanced into their positions, the troopers dug into the wreckage of a downed sub-atmospheric craft.  They knew they were going to draw the majority of the fire as the rest of their patrol was called in from low-orbit.

The Venator FAV arrived and attempted to engage another of the enemy's autocannon batteries, but the gunner noticed something peculiar... a group of PDF troopers still in the colors of the loyalists were spotted dragging a body through the thick brush, and upon closer inspection, they had in their clutches the enemy's unconscious force commander.  This momentary distraction cost the lives of the FAV's crew as a torrent of autocannon shells ripped it asunder, as the loyalist PDF scrambled for cover.

As the stormtroopers continued to find dirt to eat as they sought shelter from the massed enemy lasfire, a roar of engines sounded overhead and the 228th's patrol arrived by grav-chute, almost on top of their enemy's' heads. Commissar Bain, whose Grav-Chute malfunctioned, managed to get himself captured as he landed amidst the enemy.  His rescue was now the imperative of this mission, which seemed doomed from the beginning.

Two Drop Sentinels landed with a mixture of jet wash and a small tremor as their metal frames landed hard onto the earth in front of the infantry.  Three separate squads landed amongst them, quickly unlatching their grav-chutes and firing from the hip as they sought to assault the Traitors' position in the Administratum building.  Demo-charges flew from hands, plasma-guns' coughed their incandescent death, but the cover proved too heavy for such a small, elite force to handle without heavy weapons.  When voxed, the Elysians' Valkyrie and Thunderbolt support were unable to provide close support due to the amount of heavy firepower the enemy was unleashing.  Apparently, the men of Elysia were expendable, but the flying machines of the Navy were not.

The Sentinels' light, mobile patterns were no match for the heavy autocannon shells which rendered them into flaming, perforated, and twisted wrecks of unrecognizable metal. Unforunately, the Elysians were unprepared for the amount of firepower and the amount heavy cover that the enemy had brought to bear.  Seeing this, the infantry retreated, only to be chased down and marauded by a hidden Chimera which roared to life as soon as the Elysians broke.  This APC eventually rounded upon the remaining loyalist PDF members who were attempting to escape with their prisoner, slaughtering them to a man.

There were no survivors.  The fate of Commissar Bain is unknown.  Tactica Command stoically ordered a promethium and high explosive bombing run by a wing of Navy Maurader Bombers to decimate the enemy PDFs' fixed positions. This had an additional motive, erase all memory and evidence of this tactical blunder from the regiment's history.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Personal Game Board Project - Prelude

I've wanted to build and maintain a wargaming table for some time now, and with my new condo having plenty of extra room, the dream of having said table is becoming a reality.

At the current moment, it's started as a 4'x6' sheet of plywood with a grassy mat spread upon it, but I aim to reinforce the plywood with a frame and slats, texture the wood with fine sand, and ultimately paint it. I hope to start building a good bit of terrain, too, as my selection is very limited at the given moment.

The Red Tide advances with a 'Pod full of Death Company arriving in synchrony.

As soon as we moved the table and wood into the new place, it had to be immediately christened with something special.  A game of two versus one, with a total point value of 10,000.  Two Eldar armies of 2,500 versus me with two force organization charts of Blood Angels matching them in points.

Unfortunately, we started this game at 8:00 PM on a weeknight, so we had only reached the end of turn 3 by the time the clock struck midnight.  Eldar won by a single kill point, but the main majority of my hard-hitting units had just arrived to inflict pain on a large scale.

The Drop Pod w/ Homing Beacon allows for a full squad of Assault troops and a Land Raider to deep strike amongst the enemy lines.  The Death Company ensured that the Pod would be left alive to allow for this maneuver.  Sneaky.

  • David W's Avatar went down in the first round of shooting thanks to a mass of assault cannons targeting him specifically. Thus reinforcing the rule of well-painted, beautiful models often dying first.
  • My mass of tanks and transports died quickly as I threw them at the enemy lines with reckless abandon, resulting in many of my troops being unable to disembark in the mayhem and becoming casualties.
  • I've since decided I love Homing Beacons on Drop Pods... since the Pods are oft ignored in favor of what is inside them.  I can see myself using this quite a bit if I field a larger Descent of Angels - based army in the future, since Deep Striking units do not scatter when in range of said Beacon.
Dante leads a full squad of Assault Marines (far left) to their unfortunate deaths... the resulting fire poured down upon them was enough to leave Dante standing alone, to be assaulted by Eldrad and his Seer Council the next phase.  Ouch.

Am looking forward to updating the board and making it more presentable; modular terrain, scenics, etc!  A wonderful opening to a developing hobby. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elysian Escalation League - 500 Points

Unfortunately, due to being out of town for the majority of the week, I was unable to schedule a match in time with my assigned opponent, who was fielding Tyranids.

I was able to contact the league organizer, Chip, and he agreed to play my force over my lunch break today, him fielding Chaos Space Marines.

Battle report is as follows:
Rules: 500 Points, Combat Patrol, Nominate a model (Sgt, etc.) to serve as your leader, Pitched Battle, 4x4 foot table.
1) Kill the opposing leader.
2) Have more units in your enemy's deployment zone than he does.

Deployment: Chip's army consisted of two fully manned Chaos Marine squads, both with Power Fists and Melta/Flamers, and both mounted in Rhinos. His leader was chosen as a Champion of one of the squads. My army was a single guard platoon, made up of the command squad, two infantry sections, a special weapons team, and two Drop Sentinels. Chip deployed first and I decided not to deep strike and set up my platoon in my zone and waited for his transports to rumble into my kill zones.

The Game:

The 228th Elysians, while returning from a routine patrol away from Unnamed Fortress on Grassy Planet #573a, stumbled upon a small vanguard force of Traitor Chaos Marines which seemed to be attempting to infiltrate the fortress by way of a small, elite mechanized force. Startled and dismayed due to not only there being no previous Chaos forces encountered on said Grassy Planet before, but because the two Rhinos were parked directly in between the Elysians and their destination. Their air cover was nowhere to be seen, and nobody could be hailed via long-range vox, so the Elysians hunkered down behind whatever cover they could find as it was obvious the Marines were there waiting for them.

With a roar of poorly maintained engines, the Rhinos surged forward and popped their smoke launchers, obscuring the platoons' view of the spiky, angular metal boxes that carried payloads of fear and death incarnate. The special weapons team let loose with a few long range shots with their plasma guns, but one of the guns' machine spirits was as startled as its gunner and was not correctly coaxed into a firing mood, and as a result it immolated the poor plasma gunner Larry.

Unhindered by the lackluster shooting, the enemy Rhinos continued to trundle forward and came to a halt near the Guard lines, and deposited the Word Bearers within range of the doomed squads. Their bolters opened up with a dirge that ended the world for many of them, slaying four of the five remaining special weapons team from the face of Grassy Planet #573. Covered with small chunks of his squad and with a curse on his lips, the last remaining squad member, nicknamed 'Boomer', primed his demolition charge as his fear gave way to his lust for explosive revenge.

On the other side of the battlefield, the characteristic hiss of a flamer was heard, and as the fire's intended targets lowered their arms away from their dismayed faces, they saw that they were all alive, the flames falling just short of their position. The laughter of the Chaos Marines was almost as deeply resonant and just as disturbing as the eight bolters that opened up immediately afterwards. Several members were blown to chunks, including plasma gunner Jones and demo specialist Ludwig, limiting their combat effectiveness versus such a horrifying foe. Sergeant Billy Bob rallied the men to hold their positions and pour more fire into the enemy, hoping for a lucky lasgun shot, no doubt.

The two Sentinels assigned to support the nearly pulped squad stepped over the remains of their charge and opened fire, and it seemed like justice had been served as flames boiled over the front of the traitors' Rhino and washed over the front half of the hulking squad. The vox network was filled with shouts of terror and curses as the Word Bearers appeared blackened, but unscathed from the burning wall of promethium. The other Sentinel sent a focused microwave multimelta shot at the traitors, sending one of them ducking for cover. The Chaos worshipers seem to be nigh unstoppable, at this point.

Meanwhile, Boomer, while running forward like a man possessed, tripped on a rock while throwing his explosive, having it all but annihilate a nearby tree and leaving an impressive smoking crater in its stead.

Inspired by his insane heroism, a nearby infantry section charged to support Boomer, firing from the hip. Plasma gunner Ray-Ray forgot to name his plasma gun and sleep with it at night, thus the jealous machine spirit detonated the weapon when he pulled the trigger, resulting in his arms and most of his upper body melting like a wax candle. Specialist Yokozuna threw his demo charge with a grunt and it landed amidst the traitors and detonated with such force, that only two of the ten marines were left staggering, but still fighting. A shortlived cheer resounded from the squad as they opened up with their pitiful lasguns, but ultimately doing no damage. Boomer, with nothing else on his mind but fury, took this chance to unsheathe his combat blade and charged, only to be battered aside with a single brutal, backhanded swipe by what appeared to be the contingent's leader. The two remaining marines, stoically drew their pistols at their attackers, drew their wicked chainblades, and charged. A few soldiers went down, but were able to use the marines' disorientation and were able to bring down the two behemoths with a mixture of grenades, knives, and point blank lasgun shots.

On the eastern front, the full squad of marines charged the guardsmen and their protective Sentinels and a swirling melee saw the two walkers take the brunt of the charge which gave the infantry, who had suffered heavy losses from the assault, a small window for a tactical retreat. Frantic maneuvering allowed the Sentinels to keep the Marines tied up for some time, allowing the Elysians' Commissar Volkov to lead skirt the melee and tear open the traitors' waiting transport with an industrial lascutter that fortunately specialist Jax had begged the commander to bring along to the battle. As the Rhino sputtered and died, the command section heard the Sentinels finally crash to the ground and the thundering steps of the Marines drawing closer, and they decided to make a run for it. On the Western front, with the Marine leader dead, the remaining six of the squad booked it to try and make it back to their base to raise the alarm and seek reinforcements.

With the enemy leader dead, and the Elysian patrol making it past the enemy lines, it seems the Guardsmen procured themselves a bitter victory.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wargames Escalation League Begins

I felt it appropriate to start this weblog with the beginnings of a small local 40k event, as well as needed a placeholder post to start with. So, here goes!

At my LGS, one of our usuals is running a casual league for everyone to have fun with: it starts at 500 points and the points increase by 250 every week. It should be an interesting and enjoyable way to build up a balanced all-comers list against a myriad of opponents.

As for the army I'm fielding, I am currently in the building/planning/preliminary painting stage of my second army; Imperial Guard, Elysian Drop Troops. For those who don't know, it's a Forgeworld/Imperial Armour army list, and aims to be a fun, non-competitive army based on my love for paratroopers.

Stay tuned for pictures of finished models, conversions, and the build process as I amass little resin men in the pursuit of cleansing the galaxy of heretics, aliens, and daemons!

From the skies!